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Come to Banana Game to create a giant banana world with just a few clicks. With patience and meticulousness, complete the goals to unlock new features.

Banana is a very popular fruit but has high nutritional value. But it seems that everyone does not like and often ignores this fruit. The dog is the first character to taste bananas and discovers that bananas are extremely delicious. And of course, it became the little dog's favorite food. Next, family members also discovered the uses and wonderfulness of this fruit. Bananas have become an indispensable daily dish. That's why they began the process of mass-producing bananas to promote and supply to towns and cities and distribute them all over the world. Coming to Banana Game is such a continuous production process. Players will participate in the non-stop production process to meet the banana consumption needs of users.

Basic tasks of Banana Game players

An extremely simple action that requires perseverance, meticulousness, and diligence is to continuously click on the big banana in the middle of the screen to create a huge amount of bananas.

Players can click manually or automatically to create fresh and delicious bananas.

First, the player is required to click manually to create a certain number of bananas. Then use the bananas you get to buy automatic tools. These automatic tools will help you create bananas quickly and leisurely.

Upgrade and unlock automatic tools

  • Cursor: This is the most popular automatic tool that helps you harvest 1 banana in 5 seconds.
  • Grandma: makes baking faster.
  • Factory: A large number of bananas will be produced from the factory.
  • Mine.
  • Shipments.
  • Alchemy Lab.
  • Portal.
  • Time Machine.

Each feature will help you own a certain amount of bananas. Creating bananas will be faster if you own automatic banana creation tools such as Alchemy Lab, Portal, and Time Machine.